The 3V Gear Supra Tactical Hiking Backpack is a huge, top-filled bag that can hold everything you need for a camping adventure, including a hammock, sleeping bag, tent, and cooking utensils. Its name comes from the Latin word for ‘Above’ for which it was designed to look like a military top opening backpack. The hiking backpack is in the shape of a tube, and it has a circular top opening with a reinforced frame inside to keep its shape.
When it comes to day heading outdoors, a tactical backpack for hiking is a great option to have. Carry your necessary first aid supplies and other trekking gear. You may attach standard to the front, sides, and even the top of the backpack using the MOLLE webbing.
On everyday hikes, reliable gear is an absolute must, and the Supra Tactical Backpack delivers exactly that. When carrying heavy items in a backpack, a waist strap can help disperse the weight to reduce the strain that would otherwise be placed on the shoulders. A torso strap is also included with the tactical backpack, which can be used to stop the bag from moving around while walking with it.