This canvas bag is perfect for hiking, camping or any outdoor activity for nature lovers. Padded shoulder straps allow you to carry large loads comfortably and reinforced carry handles ensure that it doesn't snap under the weight of your gear. It comes equipped with a multitude of pockets (3 zippered outside pockets, side end pockets, inside pouch and zip pockets) so that you can keep everything neat and organized. The waterproof bottom keeps all of your valuables dry and the ID holder keeps your ID safe and secure. It's got everything you need.
- Main compartment has a heavy-duty full length zipper for easy access - Three zippered outside pockets - Side end pockets - Inside pocket with zipper - Waterproof bottom - Padded shoulder straps - Reinforced carry handles - ID holder
- Length 34" L x 12" W x 15" H - Material: Cotton Canvas - Color: Black - Weight: 4.95 lbs.